Adopt A Block
To sign up, you can click on the Team Up to Green Up Colerain logo to the above or go to:
Find out about other ways to Clean Up Colerain Township!
What is Adopt a Block?
An adopt-a-block is when you volunteer to preserve beautification and maintain cleanliness on a street or block by picking up litter. Attractive, maintained neighborhoods are littered less and research shows they are usually safer and more attractive for new businesses and new residents.
How Do I Participate?
Team Up to Green Up has established a SignUpGenius account for all the main business corridors in Colerain. When you signup, you are committing to a weekly litter pickup.
To learn more or get involved, you can call 513-741-5248 or email:
Let us know about your results! Follow the link to report your efforts:
(We would love to see photos of your clean up efforts. Send them to the email address above so we can highlight you here on our website.)
Adopt – A - Block
Team Up to Green Up Colerain
Initiative between the Colerain Chamber of Commerce and Colerain Township
How it works:
ü Sign up to volunteer to keep up a stretch of commercial road weekly: Adopt a Block Locations
ü Have multiple people involved to make it a group activity and more fun.
ü Supplies can be made available through Tiphanie Mays:
o Bright Vests
o Trash bags
o Biohazard container
o Gloves
o Nifty-Nabbers (garbage grabbers)
ü If you do not have a place to dispose of the trash you pick up, please contact: Tawanna Molter
ü If you need additional supplies or have questions, please contact Tawanna Molter 513-245-5846
2. Try to work in pairs
3. Always wear fluorescent vest or bright clothing
4. Never collect at night. Avoid dawn and dusk if possible.
5. Please wear boots or gym shoes - NO sandals or open-toe shoes
6. Stay out of traffic, if you must go into an area without sidewalks put at least 3 feet between yourself and any traffic on the road
7. Areas to pick up include sidewalks, parkways, and road gutters if safe to do so. Do not pick up on business property itself unless it is easily accessible (i.e. a piece or two is ok, not a whole parking lot)
8. Do not lift heavy items – things like tires, mattresses, etc. – Report these kinds of items to Colerain Township who will make proper arrangements to have it/them picked it up.
a. Send a picture of the item including:
i. Approximate Address Number
ii. Street Name
iii. Email to: and/or
iv. Create a township service ticket at: and choose "Code Enforcement Service Requests"
9. You may find bio-hazardous waste – like a hypodermic needle, condom – use your nifty-nabbers to pick up and place in secure container provided
10. Only place enough in each bag that you can handle. Be sure to lift properly by bending at the knees.
11. In case of any emergency call 911, and make smart decisions from a safety perspective.