Team Up to Green Up Colerain
Sustainability Pledge
Commit your business to becoming a liter free area
Sweep sidewalks, street gutters, and parking areas daily to remove litter
Service trash and recycle receptacles regularly and clean them as needed
To sign up, click here
Volunteer to preserve the beauty and cleanliness of a street or block
When you sign up you are committing to weekly litter pickup in public right of ways
To sign up, click here
What is Team Up To Green Up Colerain? - Clean, Green, and Prosperous (13 minutes)
The brief video above will give you a high-level look at our Colerain community initiative and overview of what it is looking to accomplish. Introductions to the initiative's leadership are included. Additional videos follow with detailed answers to questions you might have.
Many thanks to Waycross Community Media for filming this and then creating individual segments for our use.
How can you get involved?
Check out our Calendar of Events page under "About TUGU" for opportunities to help Clean Up To Green Up Colerain Township!